Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The playful 22 of age... Me!

Let me introduce my younger self. The above photograph was taken when i was only 22 of age then. I displayed this photo on my FaceBook Wall too. Recently some friends posted some comments on it. Like to read them....

Faisal Renzo..
BT1999...nice number..hehe

Robert Foo..
Ayah! my younger brother there lah.

Namsai Cheong..
WoW! Like Elvis.

Robert Foo..
More than Elvis..coz he didn't know how to sell life insurance though he used his mouth to sing only. He touched people's heart. Me too!

Namsai Cheong..
Cool! but you look more handsome now.

Robert Foo..
Thank you for that truthful compliment. Heart is at age 35 years young currently.

Alvin Foo..
what a shot dad! this is one of my most unforgettable shot of you. From this angle, it looks like Caldwin!

Robert Foo..
Tell me son. What do u see in tis shot of your dad at that age?

Alvin Foo..
i see a young man full of aspirations, dreams and energy but lacking the naughtiness and wisdom of your current self. You certainly had came a long way and what you had achieved is nothing short of an inspiration to me. As you continue to get younger, there is so much ahead to look forward to. We still have a long way to go and many more years of staying young at heart with a naughty mind.

Robert Foo..
See! This is what i called "Facial & Personality" studies of a person. By looking at a person seriously, you cld almost see his future and destiny. My past photo outlines my present fate. Yes! Certainly dad has to grow younger in order to last longer.

Though 40 years had passed, when my mind has broadened so much in life. The uncountable mistakes and experiences i had gone through helped me to understand the world better. Not a bit have i regretted myself for the right or wrong doing of my past but certainly i am glad The Universe has given me a chance to live. Mind has been older and wiser but definitely my heart is relatively as young as the one posted up there. May be even more naughtier ....

I strongly believe this quote
- "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover" --Mark Twain

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