Monday, June 13, 2011

I darn to dream.........

To me there are three types of dream. Day dream, night dream and personal dream.

How I wish the day is quiet when I need not do anything, day dreaming is fun. Is good to be alone sometime when one can talk to oneself. I do it all the time and I believe everyone does. You speak to your own mind. Or perhaps come the late night when I need to sleep, having sweet dreams are marvellous. To me dreams while sleeping is like another world, where everything is made possible. If you can't get those things you love in the present world, like chasing a love bird, try dreaming and you might get her in your dream world.

The best dream is my personal dreams or goals in life. I have many but would like to share one of my exciting dreams. My dream - to be there and to witness one my first grand son getting marry. On the day of his wedding celebration, I must be fit and healthy to go on stage and to be the first to announce his occasion. I have already informed all my children, though they are the father to the bridegroom, please allow the naughty grand dad to play the important role as the speaker of the event. I had even prepared the speech for the nite in advance now. I had seen many grand parents when their grand children were getting marry, they were side lined. They were too afraid to speak on stage, and they looked old and weak. Not me! I'm preparing myself for that very moment. It might take another 15 or more years when I could be touching 80 then. However I make sure my heart could still remain as 35 as I claimed of today. Meaning, mind of 80 but the heart is as good as 35. Would prove to everyone who is going to attend the celebration on that day, that 'growing old is mandatory where else growing up is by choices'. My dream - to be always young at heart.

I love this saying
- “Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams” - Ashley Smith quote


  1. That's a fantastic dream dad and definitely not too far away after all your grandson should start dating anytime soon. He is a few years from going college and i reckon if he were to pick up similar genes from you and me, you will see yourself picking up center stage in no time.

    Dont worry dad, you will get there with me and i cant wait to hear what are you going to tell the crowd.

    Naughty father breeding naughty sons, naughty sons breeding more naughty grand children!!

  2. Hi Alvin,

    Over a lunch with our friends, Dr Sidhu & wife today, I shared this dream to them. She couldn't believe that dad darn to dream. To dream to live past 80 or more and yet to stay as naughty as ever.

    She said, Yes! being naughty I remain young in look all the time. So sorry for the Dr who is merely older than me by four years, he had retired & looks much older than his age. I was trying to encourage him to follow my footstep. But you know him well. He is always a serious man who has little humour.

    See u soon in Singapore.
