Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Love brightens my beauty.......

A sweetheart was asking her darling. Please look at my face. Is my skin smoother and brighter? I have been taking the advices from our pharmacist to consume the latest sheep placenta. Each tablet costs 15 dollars. Is expensive but I think they are helpful and has the effect. Together I am also taking the collagen drinks to maximise the result. Darling! What do you think?

Darling was looking and touching his sweetheart face. Yes dear! Your skin isn't as dry as before. Totally agree with you. Your facial shines brighter and is as smooth as silk now. All your effort and money are not wasted. BUT! Dear do you know why these vitamin supplements work so well on you?

Sweetheart said I guess our pharmacist must had recommended me the right products.

Darling nodded his head. The sheep placenta and collagen drink are useful supplements. But it is my love which settled in your tender heart that makes the different. My loving care and concern for you, let you have a feel good and comfortable emotion all the time. You feel secure and relax with me around. Over all your senses are happy and satisfying. The saying goes again, "A Happy heart sees a beautiful world". A happy soul would definitely be able to absord all good things given, especially taking the best supplements as mentioned earlier.

Moral of the story - A healthy & a bright person is a person being loved upon. Are you?

For that sweetheart
-“Love and magic have a great deal in common. They enrich the soul, delight the heart. And they both take practice.”


  1. Good morning Richard,

    Thousand apologies! We have adapted this post for our blog without your prior permission. See http://zestzfulness.blogspot.com/#uds-search-results
    But we are sure you are a good sport and will forgive us for this indiscretion.

  2. Hi Zest,

    My objectives in life are to share & make people happy, which is the most divine offering to mankind.

    I'm too glad my title is useful over your blog and thank you for reading my blog as well. Good luck to your team.
