Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Father spending millions on son's wedding....

This year alone I had attended a few grand wedding dinners, when parents had to spend by the hundreds of dollar on their children marriages. The coming month I will be going for another wedding function which I considered could be the most expensive of all. The father of the groom happened to be my good friend, told me he is spending almost two million dollars for his first son's wedding.

I had known the father since the day I started to sell life insurance. He was then only a car sales man, later he took the risk to venture to England to start his second hand car business. A self made man whom I admire  much, today he is a multi millionaire and was given a datukship by the royal dignity.

Asking my rich friend, when he first got marry 30 years ago, did he pay for his wedding or his dad shouldered all his expenses. He was quick to say that his parents were poor then and he was the one who had to work hard, saved and later got marry all by himself. His dad didn't pay a single dime and yet he could happily manage to get things done. I told him this... I too had to save for my marriage those days because I had no parent with me.

What puzzle me now is! Why do fathers have to pay so much for their children's wedding today? After all, these children  have not even proven themselves yet in the working world. Is it good and benefiting for both the parents and their children. Or is it merely for the pride of the father to show to his friends his glamour and achievement. I really have no answer to my thought. Only time could tell. What say you readers?

Food for thought - "Spoil your husband, but don’t spoil your children—that’s my philosophy"


  1. //datukship//

    i don't have any idea about this word it would be a grate help if you can explain me what it is..

    i must say i got lost after reading this post... i don't have a answer for your question because i'm not a father...

    my father always telling me that you will never understand what we try to invest on you but you will feel it when you become a father....

    mmmm may be they trying to comfort their children spending that much.but the problem is when they trying to stand their own strength...

    i think best way is,to let them grow up and keep watching their back to back up when they fallen...

    ok let's say it like this.imagine your early childhood... can you remember your father let you walk alone... how many time you fallen down.... but they keep watching you and didn't lost their faith on you...finally you start to walk.. but what will happen they always carry you here and there and didn't let you walk thinking you may hurt when falling?? i think if that happen you will never be able to walk...

    "food for thought" yeah i like that

    i'm gamiya

  2. Hi dear Gamiya,

    Thank you for reading my blog in the early morning, while I was sleeping.

    Datukship is like a Sir given by the Queen.

    You are lucky coz you have a father to play along with you when you were a kid. When I was born, my father had passed away and I had never seen his handsome face before. Later my mum gave me away to an old uncle.

    Today I try to teach all kids as my children. Making sure they could live a proper path of life. Including you my dear.

  3. Hi Mr Robert, Feel So sad once i read your comment. Based on your comment, i guess you went through lot of pain and hardship in your life. Living in this world without a loving parents like living in the hell. But look at yourself now, you such a wonderful and a very successful person. I guess all the pain in the past mould you to become a very wonderful and loving person now. My quote in life is '' pain is a great teacher in life '' . Keep on writing Mr Robert. May god bless you. Have a nice day ahead. From raj

  4. Hi Raj,

    Thank you for sharing such wonderful quote... Pain is a great teacher in life".

  5. i was shaken a bit by reading your reply.. i'm really sorry about your father.

    i agreed with raj.. see you are a successful man even your father would be proud of you...

  6. Hi Gamiya,

    Whatever happened, there ought to have a reason! I always take them as for good reasons. I have never felt sorrowful with my past. I take them positively. I'm glad my past had made me a better and an understanding person. Otherwise you won't be still reading my post. Right young man?

    It was not the pain that taught me life but rather it was the mistakes that were my teachers who corrected me from time to time.

    Thank you for reading my post again.
