Monday, May 28, 2012

When you aged far enough, all ladies are beautiful....

Whenever I take the lift in my office, I'm always surrounded with beautiful ladies. Not twenty or thirty years ago. You know why? Guess if you can! The reason is quite simple. Thirty years ago, the ladies who worked along with us were almost the same age like me. Or could be older! Twenty years ago, they were still old to me. Their age could be around 20 to 50. Might not be too much different than my age then. 

Well! Today at my tender age (for those who do not know my exact age, please read my profile first lah), all the ladies who work in our company now are definitely much much younger than me. They are no longer aunties or elder sisters to me. They are all like darlings or honeys to me instead. In my eyes I see them as so much younger, they look so attractive to me today. 

See! Man should not retire so early. They miss all these fun and admiration which I currently are enjoying and appreciating. Thanks God for giving me the health and energy to stay in my career.

I fully agree with this statement - "If women didn't exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning" - Aristotle Onassis


  1. //See! Man should not retire so early. //

    yeah with all these visuals how can i quit... i mean if i were in your position i'll never quit...

    i think it's because of the nature... this world would be a desert if women didn't exist...

    and again i see your positive thinking by this post....

  2. Hi Gamiya,

    Yes! Without woman our world is like a desert but not to forget without man life too isn't exciting as well.

    We need each other to make our world a better place to live. Right?

  3. yeah we depend on each other like caressing each others back..
