Thursday, July 12, 2012

Care & Concern works well....

Selling tips,

Three years ago when Maggie signed up for her mother and herself the medical policies, she gave her brother's name to me too. Though I called her brother, James several times, we never got the chance to meet. And I never got the chance to make him as my client then.

Four months ago, Maggie's mother was admitted for a major operation to remove a tumour on her upper neck. Maggie was travelling extensively in China conducting her own business, suggested me to assist her brother in making the medical claims instead.

During these four months I had the chance to speak with James over the phone. I was providing all the necessary procedures and steps to help his mother for a hassle free admission. There was the pre-diagnosis consultation, actual admission and later the post hospitalisation. Various steps had to be taken for an easy recovery for the patient. I gave advices to him to motivate his sickly mother at the beginning. I gave encouragement to him to spur his mother on the day of her surgery. I sent constant wishes through my text messages every alternative days, making sure the mother was in good hand. My final message to him was... You had proven to me that you are truly a good and obedient son.

Last week I met James the first time, when I needed to see him to collect all the medical bills for submitting her mother's medical claims. We spoke like good friend over a cup of coffee nearby to his office. Before I left, James said, "Robert! Please work out a life insurance plan for me cause I want to buy a policy with you". I was really caught in surprise! I thought he could have bought insurance already with others.

He said... I never wanted to see you three years ago when you were approaching me then. I thought all insurance agents were the same, including you as well.  All the friends who were agents were trying to force me to buy but they never stay long enough to prove that they are worthy as a committed agent. The last four months you really touched my heart. I could see your sincerity and passion over your work and I was indeed impressed over your services.

Moral of the story: Care and concern could make a lot of different in successful selling.

Food for thought - "There is a great difference between worry and concern. A worried person sees a problem, and a concerned person solves a problem." - Harold Stephens quotes.


  1. Care and concern could make a lot of different in successful living..:)

  2. Hi Robert,
    You inspire me...
    I hope more insurance agent will read your blog and be inspired by you...
    Then the whole insurance agency's impression would be very much different...
    Keep it up, Robert!
    You are simply the best...

  3. Hi Sumukh,

    Care and concern makes you a total different person than others. Please be one my friend.

  4. Hi Wan,

    To learn 'bad' is over night, but to learn 'good' takes a life time.

    Thank you for the compliment my great friend.

  5. Hi Mr Foo,
    It is clear from your story that The value of human touch and integrity are real success factors, apart from professionalism etc. Money must never be the top priority. Money should be the consequence of your selling with integrity, always giving the customer the best deal, not second or third best bcos they being the most gain for you. I have seen a lot of salesmen/women without integrity in my life's experiences.

  6. Hi Anonymous,

    Thank you for sharing your thought.
