Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I am motivated.....

Monday is always a blue day to start the week. Fortunately I have many readers who constantly provide me with inspiration and acknowledgement. To write is easy but to write everyday and have interesting topics to be posted is not at all easy. Especially good and humorous articles to cheer all my readers. Two days ago this special lady I love so much wrote to me. Her email was so inspiring, which I like to share. Many a time, I had almost decided to stop blogging. In fact I had posted coming to 2000 titles on this blogspot, and definitely without  the support and encouragement from you readers, I won't have gone this far. While reading her mail, I decided to continue writing again.

Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 8:16 AM

Hi sweetheart,

Good morning my sweet loving baby. 

Just to share with you what is my feeling this morning on all emails, news and REAL news ( which happened in front of our eyes).

All news are bad news. And it is so sad that even its been a long time that i read my Gmail. Today i had a peek into it , all are bad news besides one or two.

Thanks God my baby is having his blog and he is writing it everyday. He is giving good energy out, he is brightening up lots of people lives and great booster!!!

Please please please.....continue to write love. The world needs you.

You are AWESOME my love!!!!!

Love you so much
little darling 

My reply to her...

Hi Love,

You touch my heart again. So true.. The most beautiful things in the world cannot be touched or to be seen but only to be felt. I will continue to write as long as I live.

Love you as much too.

I strongly believe in..“Virtually everyone needs motivation of some sort, but when you are in love - that is motivation enough, it turns many into poets and painters, it spurs the creativity in you.” - Bernard Kelvin Clive quotes.


  1. I know writing is not easy but it is something that you can look forward to everyday. It's an objective, habit to motivate you to move forward.

    Do keep up with such a good spirit.

  2. Hi Anonymous,

    Whoever you are, I certainly agree totally with you. Please keep reminding me. Human has weaknesses, including me too. Thank you for the encouragement.

  3. Hi Mr Robert,

    You are lucky to have little darling that love you so much and motivate you to continue to write. Maybe without her love and motivation, you will stop to write and we all will miss your wisdom to read everyday.

    Please send my thank you and regards to your little darling that give you energy to write everyday.

  4. Hi MdKhan,

    For every successful man, there is always a woman behind. Man alone won't be able to make it himself. So! If you want to do well, please get that special woman like my little darling. And I'm sure when she reads your comment, she would be very happy and I would eventually be loved more by her. Your one stone really could hit two birds.
