Monday, September 17, 2012

Difference between happy and happiness...

I hadn't met Mazuki for a year since last October. Over a recent coffee's chat, we shared our understanding and experiences of life. These two sweet words of 'Happy & Happiness' were discussed. Everyone wants to be happy and to have happiness. Are they the same? We think they are different in some nature.

Happy in adjective is only a feeling, showing pleasure of the mind. Whereas Happiness is in a pleasant and contented mental state of mind. So! What's the different.

We can be happy at every moment of time, but to gather happiness we need time to have it. Hitting a jackpot on a slot machine, will definitely make you happy instantly. Or when a girl you like agree to accept your first date, you would be too happiest man knowing she agreed. Finally when she consents to accept your proposal to marry her, happiness will be all round at heart. The upper is a short moment of being happy, the latter is happiness which takes a longer period to achieve. To have happiness, one needs to put out effort, determination, courage and desire.

Our belief... "Happiness is to make others happier. Happiness is to help others to succeed in life, because of us."