Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Loyalty versus High Performance.....

When I was much younger, I was always a high performer for my company. The drive was strong, the dream was there and the energy level was super. All these qualities spurred me to stay at the top. However as I grew much older, things changed a bit. I could not perform and compare myself with the younger blood of today, who are more dynamic and more aggressive than me. I can say, I'm not a high performer like those days, but luckily I could still stay on to the maintain the Million Dollars Round Table league. 

Yes! I might not be the current company's high achievers or high performers, but I have been loyal to the company. Through thick and thin, I have been working faithfully with my one company without distraction or having the slightest thought to resign. Meaning, serving and servicing 30 years for my company and my clients happily. I consider myself to be a loyal and faithful person.

Seeking my readers' views and opinions. Is loyalty or high performance important? You tell me please!!!

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