Wednesday, January 02, 2013

The first kiss has magic.......

Shirley from Manila, a relative visited my home recently. A sweet charming lady of 77 with a lot of love. When her husband was alive, she was a devoting wife who showered her man with romance. I always termed them as love birds till death. During her stay here she quoted three meaningful expression of "kiss" to our family.

What is kiss? 
The first kiss is magic
The second kiss is intimate
and so sad the rest is merely routine all the way till the end.

Our first kiss to our lovers is always magical which leads to intimate and romance. I wonder how long this intimacy would last. Gradually the following kisses are just routine in nature, trying to make our partners happy for the short moment together. Agree?


  1. haiz, i still haven give out my first kiss yet le. (don't count mother that kind) i means a girl from outsider~ sigh~

  2. Hi Mr Not So Lonely,

    You have to go out and get rid of your lonesome first. Seek a lady you like, kiss her and see the magic you won't have experienced before young man. Then let me know again. Okay?

  3. hmm.. now don't have $$ yet.. i think still need few years more only have my confident back ~

  4. Hi Mr Not So Lonely,

    Remember the first kiss brings magic. Magically you might strike rich young man.
