Saturday, March 31, 2007
Hearing & listening
Posted by
Robert Foo
7:51 PM
Labels: knowledge
Friday, March 30, 2007
Methods of Love
Posted by
Robert Foo
7:47 PM
Labels: romance
listening & understanding
Posted by
Robert Foo
3:26 PM
Labels: knowledge
Man & Woman need each other
Posted by
Robert Foo
1:04 PM
Labels: romance
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Miracle of Insurance
From their conversation I over heard their interesting story. Chia was the servicing agent to her father who was running a coffee shop in the other part of town. He was rather a typical Chinese man who always refused to listen. However with a lot of patience and understanding, Chia was able to persuade and convince the man to pick up a handful of insurance covers through the years.
Unfortunately as time passed, business was bad and the man was very stressful. Not too long the man died. He was suffering from an advance stage of cancer. It was a blow to his family. He left a housewife and two daughters still at high school level then.
Luckily because of those insurance taken, the proceed from the claim was able to let the wife to continue the coffee shop. The daughters could still continue their studies and even make it through the universities.
This was spoken by the emotional lady who was at the lunch, "Mr Chia, if it was not you who took the effort and pain to encourage my dad to buy those policies from you, my mother would not have the mean to up keep the shop at that time. With whatever we had, we were strong and determine to continue our studies. Mr Chia, today I worked as an accountant and my sister would soon be qualifying as a doctor. You are almost our saviour to the family. We were too young then to know you and to appreciate you with a great THANK YOU. Mum was talking so much about you. Please let me have your current address. I would make sure our family pays you a respectful visit soon".
Those words were spoken with tears and emotion. Chia was shocked and speechless. She hugged him like a father. I was touched and inspired.
This episode was like God sent because I had always in my mind wanted to do something good for others. I knew I could not be a pastor who could preach a religion to save souls spiritually. I do not qualified to be a professional doctor. Right in front of me was a scene so convincing that I told myself I should follow the footstep of this insurance man.
That was history because immediately after that episode, I became an insurance agent. There was no turning back and I told myself 25 years ago, I would be the best and most committed insurance agent for my company. That story moved my mind, heart and soul. I would work like a preacher but to preach the word of insurance to every home that I know.
These 25 years was really an exciting years for me. I had the up and down of life. Nevertheless my career allows me to meet people by the thousand. The experiences and knowledge I gathered are unanimous and tremendous. The good and bad part of live I learned. The suffering and the pain I went through. I truly understand the wisdom of what I am now.
I sold the unaccountable lives through the years. I had seen death more than any normal person ever seen in one's living through my claims. I had visited countless sick either in their homes or at hospitals. I had seen hundred babies born and today they turned adults. They talked to me as a child but today they talked to me as a friend. My encouragement motivated them to study well and my wisdom spurred their parents to understand live better too. I am not just an insurance agent to them but more so as a family friend forever. I am always just one call away from whoever needs to see me because I truly love my job. I don't even consider my career as a job but rather as a hobby now.
Today, I take this opportunity to thanks my Agency Manager, Mr Chia who allowed me by chance to witness the above inspiring episode. Otherwise, I would not have been of what I am today. You had created miracle out of insurance and I had even created more miracles out of it too. If God permits me to live up to 100 years and healthy, I would still love to sell insurance until I leave this wonderful world of ours. Thanks again Mr Chia for I really speak through my heart.
" The answer to true happiness living is loving and giving. For only LOVE can make man kind. And kindness of heart brings Peace of Mind".....and I got it through the miracle of insurance selling
Posted by
Robert Foo
8:43 PM
Labels: motivation
Love me now
Posted by
Robert Foo
2:35 PM
Labels: romance
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
successful woman & exhausted man

Posted by
Robert Foo
10:46 PM
Labels: humour
Develop a razor-sharp memory
Posted by
Robert Foo
1:58 PM
Labels: knowledge
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Mother Theresa
Posted by
Robert Foo
10:53 PM
Labels: motivation
treat everyone as special
The funny part in life is when you have little money, you are prepared to work for long hours. Sometimes you even go beyond your limit to prove that you can be the star of the company. Perhaps even go against one's principle of selling and approaches. Coz just to cling some unethical sales.
It would be very wrong to practise this style of selling. In the long run, your character would definitely be shown. On the hand, if you could stay long enough with the business and make a lot of money, the work might bore and tire you. Because even with money, you still need to be hardworking to sell and meet people.
The only way, if you want to stay long in this business, you must be honest with yourself. Ask yourself whether you love to see people all the time. From now until you expire from this world.
Our career requires us...." To treat everyone as special; Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnite. Extend to them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward".
If the above statement is meaningful to you, then your life will never be the same again. I guarantee you, my fellow colleagues.
Posted by
Robert Foo
9:51 PM
Labels: motivation
Monday, March 26, 2007
Meaning of Happiness
Posted by
Robert Foo
11:59 PM
Labels: knowledge
What are free things in life
Posted by
Robert Foo
11:32 PM
Labels: humour
A Rainbow
Sometimes the sun shines,
Sometimes the rain pours.
But don't forget, it takes both
Words of wisdom could change a person mind. Read to feel and feel to believe.
Posted by
Robert Foo
7:17 PM
Heaven can wait
Love Quote: I dreamt of heaven last night. It was the most beautiful place and I never wanted to leave. But when I woke up, you crossed my mind and I said: " Heaven can wait coz I have my paradise here with you my dear...wife".
Her wife read with tears. Her heart melted. Her words were speechless.
Can we be loving, thoughtful and yet have wisdom humour in our life! If we do, everything would be marvellous in our day to day life.
Posted by
Robert Foo
10:21 AM
Sunday, March 25, 2007
True affection
It is so simple to make others to like you but just that the world complicates by not applying simplicity in life. Try and you would make life easier.
Posted by
Robert Foo
11:09 PM
Use it often and you would be a wonderful person for life.
Posted by
Robert Foo
11:06 PM
Knowledge & Wisdom
To pursuit for knowledge is never an ending process. The minute, one stops to learn, that is when one calls it a day and certainly you would feel old. In pursuit for knowledge, we should try to think and feel young. Growing up and growing old are two different feelings. Growing up is challenging but growing old is sorrowful.
It was my first son that awoke my thought and feeling. He said the young would accept the old when only the old could accept the young as well. Learn the internet. Explore the unknown and knowledge from it's power. He was damn right. All of a sudden, I feel I am still growing up.
Wisdom of life cannot be taught or given, but rather one has to pursuit and to experience life to learn it. Knowledge is from the mind but wisdom is from mind and heart. The power of knowledge could be bad and good but wisdom always symbolizes one to feel good. With knowledge and refined with the wisdom of life, one should be able to live a happier and meaningful life.
I had been a sales person for 40 years. I remember my first 30 years of selling was knowledge based. Later the past 10 years I had developed my career as a working hobby. A job could be tiring but a hobby is a joy and ever lasting. Simply because I have added wisdom into my knowledge base selling to make it more refining. Today my selling has more joy and laughter. My work has fun and understanding. My talk and approaches have love and feeling. Wisdom created all these.
Whether in work or living, combine knowledge with wisdom, your work and life could be more pleasant and more interesting. Is not easy at the beginning but if you don't try, you would not know it is easy. I sincerely hope my sharing could help my fellow colleagues. If you do, then you are truly a special class of agents away from the rest of the industry. Because you have knowledge refined with wisdom.
Posted by
Robert Foo
8:54 AM
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Internally, you produce your own anxiety.
Externally, you trouble others".
How I wish the world could understand this better. There would be peace all round. Don't be angry but be happy!
Posted by
Robert Foo
10:52 PM
Silent love
If dicky is naughty
Pussy pussy where are you
When dicky cries for you
Are you so heartless
or are you so loveless?
I just wander why!
For you don't let me unwind. Ah?
Only when both lovers are in quarrel, they would face such a feeling. Even me too!
Posted by
Robert Foo
10:33 PM
The Beauty of Woman
The Beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair.
The Beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides".
How true! My elder son married twice and failed in both marriages because he did not see the inner of his women. Whereas, my second son who is much luckier and smarter, found a woman with love by seeing her eyes that have care and concern. She shoulder all obstacles in life with love and patience. Really she is a very simple lady but most important her heart has love.
We love her as well.
Posted by
Robert Foo
10:05 PM
Old age
Old folks are worth a fortune.
They have silver in the hair, gold in the teeth, stones in the kidneys & gas in the stomach!
Congratulation if you are old!
Posted by
Robert Foo
9:57 PM
Think twice before you chuck it away!
Posted by
Robert Foo
9:52 PM
luck is like a lift.
but whatever may be the occasion,
stairs will always get you to the top.
Luck might help you once,
Hard work helps always".
How true! Just like our Malaysian Badminton Double Players, Koo Kien Keat & Tan Boon Heong who became Heroes by winning the recent All-England title. It took us 25 years to bring back the title. Not forgetting Malaysia is a small nation of only 25 million population. Challenging the final game of that night was China, a country of more than 1.2 billion. We won the game merely by hard work. Congratulation Malaysia.
Posted by
Robert Foo
11:21 AM
Friday, March 23, 2007
Money can makes the world goes round.
Too much money can also turn our senses upside down.
Money isn't money if isn't utilize.
Money spend can contribute to economical growth.
More so, if it is spend to save a life.
Too much money can be evil.
Too little money can be sorrowful.
Just have enough and would do.
Money makes us happy.
Too much money makes us crazy.
No money makes us sad.
Too much money makes us lack.
Little money makes us humble.
Too much money makes us crumble.
Money is important,
But money isn't the least important.
Money brings us hope,
But money also brings us droop.
Be happy with what we have and,
Be happy with what we don't have.
Money would make the world,
But money would also create your dreamworld!
Posted by
Robert Foo
10:50 PM
Man & Woman
When God created Adam, he was not happy bcoz he was lonely, even he was living in Paradise then. God later created a woman, Eve to appease him. If the first man on earth could not live without woman, I believe no normal man of today could live without.

However it is surprising, woman at times can live without man. May be their instinct is different for Eve was brave enough to eat the forbidden fruit first. This showed that she was prepared to leave Adam and the paradise for something unknown to her then.
So! Beware gentlemen, be loving and nice to your ladies all the times for they could leave you any time. Think about it!
Posted by
Robert Foo
10:00 PM
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Beautiful World
Add perfume of happiness everyday in our life and we would see the world beautifully.
Posted by
Robert Foo
9:28 PM