Sunday, November 30, 2008
Smart story.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: humour
Saturday, November 29, 2008
All men must read!
Make the woman happy. Do something she likes, and you get points.Do something she dislikes and points are subtracted.You don't get any points for doing something she expects. Sorry, that's the way the game is played.Here is a guide to the point system:
Posted by
Robert Foo
8:32 AM
Labels: knowledge
Friday, November 28, 2008
Smart selling.
Over a training session with some young agents, I was asked..."How do I maintain selling so long in my life insurance business?" I told them, I am not intelligence but luckily I am smart.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: motivation
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Are you superstitious?
Little darling always said...when you eat your food, you have to eat them clean and neat. There should be no left over, as all food uneaten is a waste. Just imagine, there are those who are so poor, might not have any food to eat. She speaks like my mother who cares and had superstitious in belief. The typical Chinese believes that all rice on a food plate or bowl has to be cleared or well eaten without a single rice be left over on it. If a person who has such bad eating habit, would normally end up marrying an ugly wife or husband who isn't handsome. Their faces would be rough with pimple holes.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: humour
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Sharing is happiness
This evening I was invited by Amir to have an agency talk. The title was, "The final sprint & What is next?" Most of the agents who turned up were young and new in the business. They looked innocent and inexperience. To help boost their sales, the final sprint before the year closes, I encouraged them to identify their reachable contacts first for this coming month. The best people to see are their closed friends, relatives and existing clients. With some hard work and determination, they should be able to get what they want. However..."What is next?" is even more important. Meaning...from now onwards they should attempt to sell not merely on incentives but rather through love, passion, fun, excitement and smart approaches. If they had forgotten the subject on "intelligence and smart", suggest to read this title written a few days ago on my blog.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I am part doctor & counselor to my clients.
The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormone, which controls respiration, digestion and a number of other important functions in the human body. But sometimes, the thyroid "over produces" these hormones. The result is a condition known as hyperthyroidism. It's also called overactive thyroid or "high thyroid."
Typical symptoms among adults include
Puffiness around the eyes, which appear to be getting bigger. Some people describe it as a "bug eyed" appearance.
Difficulty concentrating and a slippage of intellectual ability
Excessive sweating Feeling excessively hot in normal or cold temperatures
Frequent bowel movements
Hand tremors
Joint pains
Losing weight despite normal or increased appetite
Menstrual period becomes scant, or ceases altogether
Nervousness and excitability.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: motivation
Monday, November 24, 2008
This is a real Internet Addict.
I copied and pasted the above photo posting from my son's blog, ..."This a real Internet Addict"... was his title. A picture is better than a thousand words. He wrote nothing on it. So! Let the dad writes something on his behalf as I could see deeper into the one picture of life.
Yes me too! I am also an Internet Addict. The different is ...his baby is hardly one. Whereas I have 3+6 babies. I have three grown up babies, all sons and six young grand children as babies too. They will always be babies to me as long as I live. The above addict is luckier than me because he has the pleasure of having that little dot to sleep on his thigh while surfing on net. Over here I have to surf alone and to feel the presence of all my babies.
I am glad that I am not a computer illiteracy. Most people, especially the Asian who is 50 and above are reluctance to learn the wonder of the Internet world. They are not prepared to accept changes and changes are always difficult to change. It was my first son, Alvin who instigated my thought a few years ago. He said, "if you want the young to accept the old, the old has to accept the young as well". He encouraged me to learn the computor and be able to assess to the new world. Although he was the first one who started to blog, I surprised him that I could do it as well the next day. He writes knowledge and me write wisdom. I had written 600 titles on this blog since started March 2007. I write almost everyday with what I feel and sight. He was right! I could reach to the younger generation with my mind. Yes! I am addicted to the Internet for a good cause. I was down with my server a few days back due to a power failure at home and wasn't unable to surf. Out of surprise, my last son, Caldwin, an IT engineer brought home a brand new latest Sony Vaio laptop to me as an advance birthday gift. He knows nothing will make me more happier by buying a sophisticated and an advance notebook to his father. I am still addicted to the young way of lives....Internet! Thank you Alvin and Caldwin....u really make my day.
Interesting - "Information on the Internet is subject to the same rules and regulations as conversation at a bar." - George Lundberg
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: knowledge
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Selling Tip...
Not only the text messages from the mobile phone is useful, I constantly reached all my clients through the emails, especially those who are residing overseas currently. I forward them interesting mails of all kind...not business but mails they would laugh. The men receive the heavy playful stuffs and the women get meaningful and a little naughty words to read. I know they will like them and I am sure they remember me.
I have Retnakumar and his sweet wife, Dr Vasanta who are now working abroad in The States. They are my clients for many years and we are still good friends though they are away. Few days back was Dr Vasanta's birthday. Making sure the husband could remember his wife's birthday, I directed my wishes to his email address. This was what I wrote to them....
Hi Young man... Please forward this special message to your lovely wife, Dr Vasanta...
"The beauty of a woman is seen through her heart where love have."
Happy Birthday to you...Dr Vasanta...
Warmest regards... Robert.
The next day, I received her email. She wrote...."Dear Robert, This is Vasanta here. Thank you for your lovely greetings. It amazes me how you always remember our birthdays. That's what brings lasting friendship between you and us." Regards, Vasanta.
My follow up...."Hi my dear Dr Vasantha...
It's by fate we know each other in this life...especially such lovely people like you guys. You are too important for me to forget. To find out can read my blog.. Happy Birthday to you again. A kiss for you....Mmmmm!!"
She responded... "Hi Robert, Thanks again for your heartfelt words. When we come down next, we will try to meet up and catch up on all the news and you have to promise me that you will share with me, your secrets to looking so youthful! We all need advice now and then from learned people like you, who is very much young at heart, so that we can have more meaningful years ahead and as we go through our twilight years, it's good to have friends like you. Bye for now. Regards, Vasanta."
My reply...Hi my dear...
"It will be marvellous. I will be delighted to meet you again. Make sure you call me when you touch down here..for I have a lot to share and to receive from you as well. Looking forward to your return coz I love to talk to intelligent and attractive lady."
Regards.. The man of 37 turning 36...
The same day, Dr Vasanta received a forwarded mail from me. Was light stuffs with some XXX on it. She sent over her comment..." Hi Robert, Naughty! naughty! naughty! Life is too short after all. So lets share some laughs with good friends like you! Now I know at least one secret as to how you manage to stay so young at heart! Bye and take care, Vasanta.
Never failed to response, I wrote....Hi my dear...
"When we were young, we were playful but when we grow older...we forget the naughtiness of us. Beware!! Don't forget to be naughty and playful coz they can spice up your courage and turn you to be younger again....this is fact of life we have to accept".
From the naughty young man.
Retnakumar and Dr Vasanta are professionals. With sincerity and love plus plenty of humour and naughtiness..we learn to know each other better. I am not so intelligence like them but I have the smartness to make myself likable. To this couple I say..."Thank you for being such great friends".
Food for the thought - "True friendship is a plant of slow growth. — George Washington (1732-1799).
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: motivation
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Creative message pleases the eyes.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: motivation
Friday, November 21, 2008
Inspiration I need.
Posted by
Robert Foo
8:24 AM
Labels: motivation
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The critical life journey.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: knowledge
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Sport builds courtesy.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: motivation
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Laughing & giggling.
There were laughter from some of my friends when they read my last blog title..."Man's behaviour after sex". Little darling was laughing endlessly over the phone. Ah Fai was giggling at it. Some sent their sms with 'hihi!!' or 'hohoho!!' to acknowledge their reading. Meanwhile I was curious over their laughter. Is laughing or giggling the same? Something I like to ponder over!!
In brief laughing means; showing or feeling mirth or pleasure or happiness. And giggling means; laughing with repeated short high sounds. They sound alike but after asking a few friends, I think they are a bit different in gesture. These were what I had gathered...laughing when its funny and you laugh from the heart. Giggle can also be described as naughty, horny, sinister or sarcasm. Laughing is longer than giggling. However laughing with joy can be sincere because the vibration is from the heart. Laugh with a short breath can mean nothing. Like 'haha' is not a true laugh from the heart. If you could hear someone laughs with...muahahahahahaaaaa & wakakakakaaaaaahhhh!!!! with momentum....then you rest assure that is a sincere laugh of happiness or pleasure. The next time when you have a friend who giggles or laughs with you, observe how he does it. The way he laughs and giggles would reflex his character. Or perhaps someone out there could offer some insight to laughter, as laughter is the best medicine to life.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: knowledge
Monday, November 17, 2008
Man's behaviour after sex.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Sunday, November 16, 2008
The formula in selling life insurance.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: motivation
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Change for the better.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: motivation
Friday, November 14, 2008
Unethical practise by agents.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: knowledge
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Caught in an unexpected moment.
A good friend was sharing this story with me. Father was worried over his last son who has turned 28. When the child was at his teenage growing, he had many girlfriends who came and went. Surprising when he reached 21 of adult age, he had only male friends. Sometimes different males would be staying together with his son in his room. Gradually he left long hair, as long as the ladies. Father was concerned, wondering whether son had turned gay. Was he liking men more than women! Otherwise, why there wasn't any girls calling his good looking boy. Rather men would be coming around to visit his son in the late nights. Puzzle! Puzzle and puzzling!!!!
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: knowledge
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Is he smart or intelligent?
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: knowledge
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Eyes will tell the truth.
Ah Fai and another younger agent, Roy came to seek my selling experiences. They wanted to know how to identify a good prospective client. The first question I threw to them was, "When you see a lady prospect, which part of her body you likely spot first? The upper, middle or lower? Please be frank."
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: knowledge
Monday, November 10, 2008
Shitting time is thinking time.
Ideas are important in our lives. Either you steal from someone or you create your own. According to my new found buddy, Ah Fai, his ideas came when he pangsai...meaning when he shits. Not shitting time, he could not think much or when he sees gorgeous girls, fantastic ideas just come.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Are you alone or lonely?
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: wisdom
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Growing up isn't easy.
Something to ponder....
Growing up at my age of 61 isn't easy! To tell my exact age, people won't believe coz I look young. If I said, I am 37 turning 36, all ears will be with me. On selling, if I revealed my true age, they said why I should be still selling!! Not when I used 37 turning 36, all attentions will be with me instead. If I introduced myself as a Life Insurance at the beginning, everyone runs away. However when they asked my profession, I strike them with puzzle that I am selling 'HAPPINESS'. I am sure they will asked more. I drove the Mercedes, they said I was showing off. I drove my simple Honda Accord, they asked why! When I drove alone to work, they asked what I was trying to prove..."Do you still need to work at your age?" Now I am chauffeured driven, they could not believe their eyes. I dressed in plain colours, they said I was old fashioned. When I changed to daring darker colours, they were caught in surprise. I worn slack pants and gold watch, they called me uncle! With persuasion from little darling, I began to wear jeans and stainless Seiko brand, they claimed I am a macho man. If I untouched my hair as original grey, they said I was old and haggard. With a bit of afford to colour my hair with brown and red, I am a hero to all my friends.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: motivation
Friday, November 07, 2008
Criticism could be appreciated.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: motivation
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Love has pain.
She wrote in poetry to describe how she looks at love. With her permission, I like to share this with all my appreciative readers.
To love is to suffer.
To avoid suffering one must not love.
But then one suffers from not loving.
Thus to love is to suffer & not to love is also to suffer.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: romance
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Appreciate the beauty of our lives.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: motivation
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Criticism over Appreciation.

Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: knowledge
Monday, November 03, 2008
Love insurance is free.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: motivation
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Warm & Cold.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: humour
Saturday, November 01, 2008
What is your personality?
1. Which one of the following describes the perfect date?
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: knowledge