One lady agent was seeking my advice today. She was desperate to close a fairly big case before the month closed. If this case was to be concluded, she would qualify for a special incentive oversea trip awarded by the company. Although her prospect was busy, she attempted to contact him three times today itself. Rejected badly because the not so interested prospect did not respond her calls. At the end, she was frustrated, tense, stressful and drained off in mind. She admitted her fault, she needed the sale more than her buyer's need. Her desire to reach her dream, over reacted with desperation. She could identify a rich prospect but equally a successful prospect could differentiate a competent agent.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Have fun in selling.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: motivation
Monday, September 29, 2008
My adorable new born baby.

Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: knowledge
Sunday, September 28, 2008
A hungry man is an angry man
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: humour
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Are U the possessive man?
Are you the type of man, who doesn't allow your woman to look sexy and attractive? I mean, she could be beautiful, but you won't let her to dress sexily and attractively outside. Her beauty could only be seen by yourself, and not to be admired by others. If it is so, I think you are the possessive type. Possessiveness is actually dominating. You lack confidence for fear of loosing your love. It might lead to jealous and distrust which are not good for a love growing relationship. After all love is trust, patience, tolerance and understanding.
Posted by
Robert Foo
10:51 AM
Labels: romance
Friday, September 26, 2008
You are very important to me.
Sweet words are pleasant to our ears. Letting someone feels important is powerful. Gives sincere compliments and the world will be yours.
Posted by
Robert Foo
8:15 AM
Labels: knowledge, motivation
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Can you see in darkness?
Macus is a keen Hash runner. For those who have not heard of the Hash, let me tell you briefly about it. The basic idea of the Hash is a non-competitive jaunt through the local country side to appreciate nature and to further encourage a thirst for beer that should already exist.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: motivation
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Beauty is everywhere...U just have to look.
Mike was shaking his head with an unhappy face. Whispering softly, "Mmmmmm!!! Not good! Business is bad." He was complaining that market was weak, politically unstable and world economy was slowing down. I stared at his face and asked, "May I know when you ever mentioned that things are good for you?"
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: motivation
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Life starts at 60

Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: motivation
Monday, September 22, 2008
Even U don't buy, try not to reject!
Nobody likes rejection, neither do I. With forty years of selling behind me, I guess, I encounter more sales rejections than most normal salesperson. Sales rejections are unavoidable, as most people don't like to be sold in the first place. If you want to try selling, ask yourself whether you are the sensitive type. If you are, then selling isn't suitable for you.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: motivation
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Memory lane.
Walking along in memory lane........
My hand phone is having some technical problems. My little darling advised me to trade-in for a new one. As this phone was given to me by my first son, I will never trade-off for anything for its sentimental value. I rather buy a newer phone and keep the old one for fond memory. Many friends knew I have two old watches, which were bought by my two elder sons, when they just finished their education in England eighteen years ago. Although these watches are simple non branded type, I am proud to wear them everyday. To others they are worthless, but to me they are priceless. Looking at these watches, I could visualize the past memories of how I raised my children and the life journey that I had been through. Every moment of time could be recaptured with a sense of sweetness and joy. My sons might not be near, but their presence are always felt greatly by the wearing of their watches and they are very closed in my heart.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: knowledge
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Sex???? Sex business????

Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: knowledge, motivation
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Do u keep secrets?
What is secret? On checking the dictionary, it has many definition. They are; Not expressed: inward, Kept hidden from knowledge or view: concealed, Known or shared only by the initiated.
A sweet young thing recently asked me, "Does everyone keeps secrets from her loved one?" Certainly my dear! Each and everyone of us here, young or old, has secrets within themselves. She continued, "Is it good to keep secrets from the one you loved?" Mmmmm! That depends! Is good to keep secrets for good intention. Intention not to review for not hurting the other parties. However is bad to keep a secret when it is meant to be given. Perhaps that expression of secret could mean so much to her loved person.
Posted by
Robert Foo
5:13 PM
Labels: motivation
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
If u love the man, be with him.
Edi and Siew Lan are one loving married couple, I have known for many years. Recently Edi is posted to work in Indonesia, not knowing when he could return. Leaving Siew Lan to manage and care for their three teenage children at home. I called on phone to Siew Lan today to check on their life insurance matters. On our conversation, she was frank to review she missed her husband badly. Although there are regular flights to Jakarta everyday, she isn't prepared to spend this unnecessary expenses. She is planning to see him only during Xmas.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: motivation
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Any relationship needs commitment.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: motivation
Monday, September 15, 2008
Feelings can kill?
A sweet young thing had fallen madly in love with another young man. After a period of time, she found him to have another affair with another girl. She became hysterical, mad, sick and extremely unstable. Many friends were trying to encourage her to forget this unfaithful man. However she refused to accept the advices, simply because she still loves him. She wants to be the only girl for him. Otherwise, she might even consider to take her lives away. This is a very serious type of love relationship.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: romance
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Fire of passion and desire is boiling.
Closing a sale is like closing a date with a girl. If you think your ideal lady has the interest over you, don't wait but push yourself harder. No female would approach a man for a fling, he has to be thick skinned and confront her. He has to pursue, talks with enthusiasm and shows keenness before she agrees. Selling is quite similar with dating. A lot of sales are not concluded because they were not attended to immediately, when the prospects and clients were eagerly interested. Most sales are closed when buyers are excited, not when they have lost the jest to buy.
Posted by
Robert Foo
11:46 AM
Labels: motivation
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Are you spending enough time with your children?
I had not seen my grand children for many months. The last few days I was with them. I was locked in with them in their apartment. I talked like a child and acted like a child. They thought I am one of them. They address me as 'Kor Kor Yea Yea' in Chinese, which means 'Brother Grand Dad'. When I was young, I never had a chance to fool around with my children. I was very strict with all my sons and I believe they were equally afraid of me. I regretted not spending the quality time with them. Time passed so fast, now is the turn for my children to raise their children. I wonder they repeat the same mistakes I had made.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: motivation
Friday, September 12, 2008
Never compare when buy life insurance.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: knowledge
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Sex comes first in relationship?
Something to ponder!
Should sex comes first or love? The old days, was a taboo to have sex before marriage. Normally a man had to get engage prior to his interest over a woman. The female family would not be comfortable with this man, if engagement was not proposed. Was like a temporary lock up in love. I was one who were caught in this period of time. However, engagement did not give us the passport to sex. Within the shortest time, the in law would insist a marriage for the proposed parties. At last, sex was approved! What a joy.......
Today is a different era, when most couples start with sex before marriage. To them is like, try out first and see later. "Testing! Testing! 123......" Or perhaps they are playing with their emotions. Or mutual biological needs. Or is it a starter!! In a relationship, could love be developed without sex? My guesses from personal experiences and observation, love could not be flourished without sex in the first place. Couples could meet and talk endlessly, but without sex their feeling for each others will not be intense. They might be considered as just good friends but definitely not intimate partners. With sex over a relationship, both parties become serious and really involve in feelings. They are committed and responsible to each other. They tend to be more transparent and truthful. However having sex together, does not guarantee a faithful and happy love relationship either. It takes both to tango and to nurture a beautiful romance after that. I am from the past world but living in the present world to see the different of love and sex. Conclusion, I think love has to grow with sex. What about you?
Food for the heart - "Never break four things in your life - Trust, Promise, Relation & Heart because when they break they don't make noise but pains a lot" - Charles.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: romance
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Try something different in selling.
Do you try these?
I will never start selling without a good head conversation. It might be a first introduction or to present a proposal to a prospect. I normally begin with a friendly chat to feel and understand my listeners first. I have to sense that my prospects are comfortable with me, to know whether the time and place are convenient, and to understand their mood at the moment of interaction. If any of these are not placed right, I will not proceed to the main frame of selling my services. What is the point to sell, when our prospects are not ready to listen! If their mind and concentration are not with me, I am sure no sales could be concluded. This is the golden rule of selling. Please believe me because I had made enough mistakes in my forty years of selling to confirm this rule.
Once I could settle with a prospect who is ready to listen with my plan, I always sell with a minute sale first before I proceed to the longer minutes sale. Try these. "Are you ready to see the million dollars in making? If yes, I need half an hour of your pleasurable time, Mr prospect?" Or..."I can lead you to a Million funding, if you have some time with me." Or...."Your past was the experience. Your present is important to face the future challenges. I can see your fantastic future. If you can allow me to show and share with you. Just give me one hour of your time, you will never regret over it."
Unless those powerful sentences are accepted whole heartily, your prospects might not give you their full attention to listen. Not forgetting, listening is not the same as hearing. Hearing is light but listening is stronger. In selling, listening of our prospects is vital important. When our prospects actually wanting to listen, our selling or sharing of ideas will be more effective.
Selling and courting are quite similar. If the lady isn't listening, the man might find difficulty to win her. The same one minute sale is applicable to capture the interest of a girl. Try this! "All men will fall for you my little darling. Just give me 10 minutes, I will tell you."
Food for the thought - "We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future" - George Bernard Shaw.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: motivation
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
I am younger as I grow older.
Chee Ying is one of my daughter in law. I have not seen her for almost a year since they had moved away for the south. Upon reaching her home, she stared at me with surprise. She said, "Dad! You look so young. My husband or your son seems to be older than you now. He won't darn to dress your colour. Who have changed your personality?"
Hugging her, I replied, "I have a little darling who shows me the way to keep young. You are to be blamed for not making my son looks younger than me. I gave my handsome boy to you and you turned him to be older than his dad."
This is true fact of life. When you are younger, you want to look older. However when you are older, you prefer to be younger. The upper is easier to reach but the latter is difficult to maintain. Because you need plenty of guts, know-how and love to get it. The easier way is to fall in love again with a little darling who cares and understands you.
Food for the heart - "A smile is a light in the window of the soul indicating that the heart is at home."
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: motivation
Sunday, September 07, 2008
The pregnancy result.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: wisdom
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Grandmamma needs pregnancy test!
I walked into Guardian Pharmacy, trying to look for something which I had not bought before. To make it easier, I asked the attending pharmacist, "I am looking for pregnancy test. Where can I get them?" She stared at my face with some doubts which I didn't really like. She asked, "For whom? May I ask." I was a bit annoyed. My reply was, "Is for my grandmother!" Now I created some confusion on her. Her words,"For grandma!! Are you sure?"
Food for the thought - "Always give people or others a benefit of doubts!"
Posted by
Robert Foo
10:33 AM
Labels: humour
Friday, September 05, 2008
I don't just sell but also preach to gain the divine force.
A life insurance agent is like a preacher who preaches faith. The later works for God and the upper works for mankind. A preacher advocates his belief to create hope and peace, which can't be seen but yet powerful enough for his followers to believe. A preacher has nothing to offer physically, except words which we except whole heartily with joy. An effective insurance agent advocates his belief to create the needs of hope and peace for his clients. Life insurance is an intangible product. It can't be seen but can only be felt.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: motivation
Thursday, September 04, 2008
In love with my career.
To sell effectively and successfully in life insurance, one has to fall in love with it. When you are in love with a person, your eyes sparkle and your smile is sweet. Everyday is a Valentine day when you look forward to meet your love. Similarly when you love this career, your personality shows. You have all the energy and enthusiasm to move on. To love a person, you need to be brave and courageous. Selling life insurance requires guts and determination. To let your partner feels nice with you, you have to be a lovable person too. To succeed in selling life insurance, you have to be a likable person as well. Women like their mates to be fun going and if you are a humorous agent, you make all your clients adore you. All ladies like intelligent and responsible boyfriends, and to be successful in selling insurance you have to be smart, accountable and trustworthy an agent. To convince your ladies, you have to show your kindness, honesty and sincerity before she falls for you. Selling life insurance needs all these three important qualities. No woman will like an impatience man and no agent could succeed without tolerance. An understanding man will make a better lover. A committed agent will be more accepted. If you have all these qualities of a person, you will never fail in love or career. If you have not been doing well in selling life insurance, I guess you have really not fallen in love with this career yet. You have actually picked the wrong person. Because love seldom fail, it always prevails.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: motivation
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
How to win woman's heart.
A not so young man holding a greeting card in one hand, was jumping with joy. Out of curiosity I asked him, "May I know why are you so happy?" With a broad smile he said, "My darling sent me this card with all her admiration for me." He was not shy. Instead he handed me this special card for me to read.
The card was pink in colour, with the front headline printed as Valentine....I"m speechless. The next page was hand written by her. It started with, "You are brave, lovable, responsible, intelligence, approachable, funny, passionate, kind, creative, honest, fun, handsome, patience, cheeky, sincere, strong, understanding, committed, awesome and the best." The next following page was worded to him, "To my sweetheart darling. Everyday is a Valentine Day for me. Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for being so patience with me. Thank you for your love, support and most importantly is thank you for being there for me whenever I need you. Thank you so much sweetheart! I love you!!"
Posted by
Robert Foo
9:59 AM
Labels: romance
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
I feel naked without make-up!
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: humour