A young man responded to my blog title 'Love Sick is painful' dated 5th Jan 2008. He wrote on the comment.....
Hello sir,
i was in love for the past 1 year,am 24 and my girl is 18.ever since i started loving her i thaught that this is the love of my life and i cant live without her.after 6 months of sincere love life there came a period of difference ,she started to avoid me...The pain was too terrible for me..i thought that was the end of my life,this continued for 2 months.aftet that i started approaching her with tears in my eyes,pleaded to take me back and she did,again we cherished lovely moments together,we huged,kissed,loved blindly....and now for the last 2 months i dont like to talk to her anymore,i just started hating her for no reason,now she is in tears,and i feel its all over dont want to continue...but i feel sorry for her ,i feel guilty of cheating her.....wat is wrong with me....please guide me...
Perhap this quote speaks by itself -
Hello sir,
i was in love for the past 1 year,am 24 and my girl is 18.ever since i started loving her i thaught that this is the love of my life and i cant live without her.after 6 months of sincere love life there came a period of difference ,she started to avoid me...The pain was too terrible for me..i thought that was the end of my life,this continued for 2 months.aftet that i started approaching her with tears in my eyes,pleaded to take me back and she did,again we cherished lovely moments together,we huged,kissed,loved blindly....and now for the last 2 months i dont like to talk to her anymore,i just started hating her for no reason,now she is in tears,and i feel its all over dont want to continue...but i feel sorry for her ,i feel guilty of cheating her.....wat is wrong with me....please guide me...
Perhap this quote speaks by itself -
"Some of the biggest challenges in relationships come from the fact that most people enter a relationship in order to get something: They're trying to find someone who's going to make them feel good. In reality, the only way a relationship will last is if you see your relationship as a place that you go to give, and not a place you go to take".
~Anthony Robbins
Am in a situation almost similar to that gentlemen that you referring to, maybe I dont have anything to offer that's why I dont see what the point of being in a relationship after few failed relationship...
Hi Anonymous,
Perhaps this proverb might change your mind..."Mistakes are our teachers!!!" Don't give up.
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