I love massage and I have been massaging regularly for the past almost forty years. Some people said massage is a waste of time and money. Not me! Massage allows me to de-stess my stress level and maintaining a better blood circulation on all part of my body. In order to maximise massaging, one has to engage a professional masseur or a female masseuse to do the job. I believe I had experienced all types of massage therapy worldwide from Asia, Europe and America. The best and the type I like most is The Thai Massage. A good effective Thai masseuse is one who has qualified with a diploma in this profession. I might not be able to see their certificate to determine their recognition in their field, but by looking at their strong arms and firm hands I will be able to judge their experiences. Never get a young pretty masseuse to massage you because quality of the job isn't depended on beauty but rather by their physical strength and commitment.
Last month I invited a China Man to his first experience in a massage centre. This was what happened when he was lying on the massage bed. Please look at the above posting. No joke! Next time when you go for massage, make sure you face the right direction!
I cant help burst out laughing while reading your posting luckily my boss wasnt around.
Hi Anonymous,
I guess u must be a lady who didn't darn to share this piece of joke with the boss. Anyway, I'm glad i could make you laughed.
Not cool
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