I was only 10 then, innocent and not knowing what independence was all about. Although we have progressed tremendously well, i still like my yesteryear when things were so different. Those days we had no mineral water, or if ever mineral bottles were being sold, nobody would buy them. We just drank water straight from the tap. We didn't have to carry any drink to school either. After taking food from our school canteen, all students drank water from the tap without fear. Believe me..no student got sick. Not today! No student or even adult would darn to sip a drop of tap water, unless it's filtered. Are we progressing... i wonder!!!
I won't forget my teenager's years, i had a great time learning to dance the cha cha, rumba, twist and finally the shake. We didn't have to waste money to dance in the nightclub or the disco. Once our parents were away and not in the house, we would arrange the dance parties at our homes. The girls came by themselves without fear and later the boys escorted them home by buses. There was no violence or thief and it so safe to move late in the night. Not today! No lady would come along with the gentleman if he has no expensive car. No girl would be brave to move alone even in the day, because the snatch thieves are so common. I too had witnessed two different ocassions when my lady friends were snatched away their handbags right in the open. Are we advancing... i wonder!!!!
Food for thought - "We can pay our debt to the past by putting the future in debt to ourselves" - John Buchan