Saturday, December 31, 2011
Countdown 2012
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: humour
Friday, December 30, 2011
Face to face selling
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: knowledge
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Speaking with the right tone at the right time
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: knowledge
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Don't compare with others... Be yourself.
compete, everybody will respect you" -Lao Tzu
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: wisdom
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Three types of professional you must know...
Please Remember - "Worries, fears, desires, restlessness, nervousness drive peace of mind away".
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: knowledge
Monday, December 26, 2011
What time of the day you prefer to make love?
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: romance
Sunday, December 25, 2011
What is Santa Claus?
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: wisdom
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Why is Ship called She....
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: knowledge
Friday, December 23, 2011
A Good Handshake....
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: knowledge
Thursday, December 22, 2011
The Best Birthday Wishes.....
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: wisdom
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Who is the most important person to you?
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: knowledge
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Numbers are important in life...
“In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.”-COCO CHANEL
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: knowledge
Monday, December 19, 2011
The fear of making cold calls on telephone..

Most agents find difficulties in making cold calls on telephone. What about me? Yes! I face the same problems like the rest as well. The best way to overcome the butterflies in the stomach, when attempting to make the calls is made the easy one first. Warming up is important. No marathon runner would run without the warming up first. Even Thomas Cup's players need the sparring before the actual play. Yes! The warming up before the actual run or play could build better confidence later. So the next time you have the fear to call someone you don't know, call to speak to someone you know first. The friendly chat and conversation creates and develops energy and enthusiasm in you. In turn you would find it easier to speak to anyone later after this call. The best way to find out whether it works is to try it yourself. Please let me know the outcome.
Food for thought - "We should not let our fears hold us back from pursuing our hopes" - John F. Kennedy
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: knowledge
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: humour
Saturday, December 17, 2011
This is hilarious -- but meaningful Discrimination!!
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: humour
Friday, December 16, 2011
What is a good man and a good woman?

I responded.. "Not sure love! I think the answer should be replied by women and not from man".
On the other hand, Little darling should know.. "A good woman is not a perfect woman; a good woman is an understanding woman, loving and unconditionally surrender her soul and heart to the success of her man in her life".
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: romance
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Never sell only for your own benefit.....
Is year end closing, companies have their targets to meet and agents have also their goals to fulfill. Peng a closed colleague in our company is short of some sales. She needs the extra sales to achieve the incentives, cash and an oversea holiday for next year. Out of desperation she called me for some help. She wanted some tips and advices from me.. How to catch the late birds? She has 15 days left to make it.
Is quite a practice for most agents to force their friends and relatives to buy life insurance. Their normal ways could be.. Please help me lah! I need just one more case to achieve my target for this year. ( the one case is for every one they meet ) or unethically they lie to claim that the year end plan is a special program and only selected clients could purchase.
I told Peng this... A good professional agent sells for the benefit of his clients and not for his own personal interest. Yes! When a case is professionally sold, it justified for the agent to earn his rightful commission from it. However if the plan is sold for the sake of the agent's personal gain and interest, I termed such sales as a shameful transaction.
A good intended sale is always shown with sincerity and genuinity. Whereas a corrupted approach tends to be fade and unprofound. If an agent works with sincerity and commitment, he need not have to burn the mid nite oil to get what he wants. I have been selling life insurance for almost 30 years, there was not a single month in my career that ended without a sale. The sales just came pouring in because all my clients knew that they were buying for their own benefits and gain. As long as you have this passion and love, our clients would also know how to take care of us.
Specially for Peng -" What is uttered from the heart alone, will win the heart of others to your own" - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe quote.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: motivation
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Selling is like playing poker.....
Selling tips...
To me selling is like playing a poker game, especially the Texas Hold em Poker. In this game, you might be holding a great card of a beautiful "Ace" which all poker players love to have. You start with high hope with the strong Ace in hand but at the end you realized you lost the game because the dealer won over you with a pair and you only have the Ace. Hope turns no hope eventually. On the other hand, you might start the game without any hope when you hold a small card of "2" or "5" only. With courage and skill you move on to play, when you improve to draw another pair of "2" and "5" for your cards. From no hope at the beginning, you turn the game into hope and finally you win the play.
Selling is the same. You might have a rich and successful prospect who wants to see you. Having much high hope that you could sell because the rich prospect has the financial means. However after a long session and comparison of products, prospect turns you down. With high hope at the beginning, the sale ends with no hope because of the rejection. Don't under estimate the simple looking prospect who looks poor and innocent. You might consider such prospect as little hope that he could buy your insurance. If you have the right skills and confidence, the unexpected poor prospect might purchase a size able plan from you. From no hope in the first place, it turns into a great hope.
Moral of the story; Hope can end without hope and at time no hope can change to have better hope
Food for thought - "Don't lower your expectations to meet your performance. Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations. Expect the best of yourself, and then do what is necessary to make it a reality" - Ralph Marston
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: knowledge
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: knowledge
Monday, December 12, 2011
Hope verses Believe....
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: motivation
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Pregnant Wife ....
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: humour
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Inspiring Story....................................

Assisting in the setting up and maintenance of the fund is Mr Li Guo-rong, who teaches Ms Chen's nephew.
She also sleeps on the hard floor, a habit from her younger days when she started working at the vegetable stall.
" Life is a bunch of experiences and I am going to make it as incredible as possible"
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: motivation
Friday, December 09, 2011
Be generous in paying....

One of the finest point of being a most likable salesperson is to be a generous and a willing bills payer. I have been a habitual payer whenever I go out to dine and drink with friends. I always made it a practice to feel proud and honour to feed the bills, no matter who are with me when we are out. As long as I could afford the amount, I would attempt to take the initiative to pay first. Sometime I might even instruct the waiter or the cashier of the restaurant that I'm the host who is responsible to pay for the final billing, even before our food is served. My sincerity and generosity of being a willing spender for my guests could always be felt and appreciated. You might say some could be taking an advantage over my generosity, but as long as I could make my friends happy, I would still continue to pay these bills without any ill thought over them. I always tell my clients... When you allow me to pay the food bills, indirectly you are giving me value and respect. These value and respect inspire me to do well in my career. Thank you for letting me pay this little amount to entertain you.
Generosity quote - "We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love" - Mother Teresa
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: motivation
Thursday, December 08, 2011
The reasons why man lives a shorter life than woman.

The first is... They spent too much time with their old folks friends or buddies who had no personal drive themselves. Their friends discouraged them to work further. They influenced each others to do nothing, except talking old mother stories. You could see them at old coffee shops, sipping tea and reading newspaper most of the time. Avoid them!
Second... The aging men have no younger friends to spur them. They are too prideful and too proud to mix with their younger generation. They aren't aware that the younger people are also afraid to approach the older folks. Yes! The older mind has experiences and wisdom but they lacked the youthfulness and strength. Suggest... Befriend the youngsters.
Third... They are too lazy to exercise. The vitality and health for any age is still regular exercising.
Fourth... They are afraid to fall in love again. In fact the fourth reason is most important. The logic is... Woman can live without man but man can never live without woman. Some might still have wives around but being stubborn and arrogance, they turn enemies or have misunderstanding with their the other half. They quarrel and fight more then they make love. In the heart and mind, they might still have thought to seek for another woman, but not many would darn to fall for another woman again. They are afraid the families, relatives and friends might disrespect their wrongful involvement with another lady, while their wives are still alive. With a sorrowful and lonesome heart what do you expect out of these aging men. I always said.. A happy heart sees a beautiful world but when your heart is unhappy, the whole world seems ugly and uninteresting anymore. That's why woman usually out lived man wherever they are.
I strong believe - "If women didn’t exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning".
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: wisdom
Wednesday, December 07, 2011

I used to be asked by rookie agents this question..."What is the toughest part in selling life insurance? My reply is always the same... To discipline oneself!!!
A paid job is one when someone controls and manages you. There are rules and regulations you have to be abide. You have to clock-in and clock-out each day when you need to go to work. You have to report to your immediate boss who instructs and delegates work to you. As long as you follow rules and be able to fulfill all obligations and responsibilities, your salary or income is assured at the end of each month. Simple as that!
Not in selling life insurance. The day I became an agent thirty years ago, I knew I had to set my own destiny. Previously when I was working for someone, other people dictated my future. If they like me, I might have a chance to progress and improve. Otherwise my destiny is more or less under their hand. However an agent is considered a self employed professional. A job or a career without a basic or a salary. Our income is derived from our commission and incentives. As a professional agent, we don't need to report to anyone, and we have no specific time to start and to end our work. Sounds nice! Yes! At the beginning everday is like a holiday. Nobody or a boss to jump on you and you are free to start the day as when you like. Not so nice at the end of the month when you realised that there is no commission in your statement. So! The only way to do well and to see a big fat cheque towards the end is to work hard and see as many prospects as possible. To say it is also easy but to do it is actually difficult to most agents. The reason is... They lack discipline.
A sincere and frankly advice to those who have intention to take up this career... Unless you are a well disciplined person and have self determination, selling life insurance in the long run might be tough.
Something I learned - "One-half of life is luck; the other half is discipline ? and that?s the important half, for without discipline you wouldn?t know what to do with luck."- Carl Zuckmeyer
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: motivation
Tuesday, December 06, 2011
A picture can make you laugh.....
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: humour
Monday, December 05, 2011

There was a farmer who sold a pound of butter to the baker. One day the baker decided to weigh the butter to see if he was getting a pound and he found that he was not. This angered him and he took the farmer to court.
The judge asked the farmer if he was using any measure. The farmer replied, "Your Honor, I am primitive. I don't have a proper measure, but I do have a scale." The judge asked, "Then how do you weigh the butter?" The farmer replied, "Your Honor, long before the baker started buying butter from me, I have been buying a pound loaf of bread from him. Every day when the baker brings the bread, I put it on the scale and give him the same weight in butter. If anyone is to be blamed, it is the baker."
What is the moral of the story? We get back in life what we give to others. Whenever you take an action, ask yourself this question - Am I giving fair value for the wages or money I hope to make?
Honesty and dishonesty become a habit. Some people practise dishonesty and can lie with a straight face. Others lie so much that they don't even know what the truth is anymore. But who are they deceiving? Themselves - more than anyone else.
Honesty can be put across gently. Some people take pride in being brutally honest. It seems they are getting a bigger kick out of the brutality than the honesty. Choice of words and tact are important.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: wisdom
Sunday, December 04, 2011
Why we should not flirt !
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: humour
Saturday, December 03, 2011
Friday, December 02, 2011
Faithful dog stays at masters grave .......

His owner Lao Pan, who died aged 68, earlier this month, lived alone in a little house in the village of Panjiatun in the Liaoning Province with just the dog for company. After seven days without a meal, concerned villagers begun bringing food and water to the graveside and even plan to build a little kennel for the dog to curl up in at night.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Labels: motivation
Thursday, December 01, 2011
Words have double effects.....

A week later, a top manager trained by the speaker tried to crack this good joke at home. But he was already a bit foggy after a drink. He said loudly to his wife who was preparing dinner: "The greatest years of my life were spent in the arms of a woman who was not my wife!" The wife went: "Huh??!" with shock and rage. Standing there for 20 seconds trying to recall the second half of the joke, the man finally blurted out: "....and I can't remember who she was!" By the time he regained consciousness, he was on a hospital bed nursing burns from boiling water.
Moral of the story: Don't copy if you can't paste! Remember words applied wrongly can cause terrible consequences.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM