Tuesday, October 02, 2007

I will always walk beside you no matter what happen!

Do you notice? Successful working men have more time to think of women. Whereas successful career women seldom have time to think of us. Both could be busy with their work, but man tend to think of his loved mate more than his counter part. By nature when a man strikes rich, his first thought will be for his love. He feels happy and proud to share his success to the one he loves most. He will be even more happier to buy gifts for his mate, at that moment of his achievement. Sad to say not female! When a woman strikes rich, her first thought will be herself. She will pamper herself to her utmost, buying those tasteful gifts she has waited. Her best friend at that moment of time is the diamond. Perhaps only after fulfilling herself, the next thing in mind may be is her mate, provided she has one. Is not wrong of women to react this way. Because ladies were never given the opportunity to excel in career before. Those days, women had to depend on man to provide. Now that women are smarter, they prove that they can live independently without man. Sorry for the men! If we still lack behind, one day we might not have woman to be with us. Whether we like it or not, this is the true facts of life.

To my love I write,
"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.
Just walk beside me and be my love when I hold your hand."


Anonymous said...

Do you have any solid evidence to support these assumptions or are they based purely on your male chauvinism? ;)

Robert Foo said...

Hi anonymous...

Thanks for your interest over this particular issue. Even if I could relate solid evidences, the world is too big for us to compare. What you have to do now,perhaps is to observe and interact with society. Use your knowledge to understand and later you will gain the deeper insight to wisdom of life. After all man and woman have diferent characters and behaviour. I am only here to share. Is your task to experiment. Thanks again for reading.

Anonymous said...

Truly offensive post. You probably can't relate any "solid evidences" (it's 'evidence', by the way) because you have NONE. I can see that women give and give, we suffer, our husbands go out to enjoy without any thought of us. I know because I am a married woman, my mother is too. I have observed from the life of a close female friend, my own life and my mother's life that the men in our lives think of themselves first. They think it's justified because "they constantly worry over where the next dollar is coming from". Well, here's some news for you: women work as hard and have as many worries as men, too. It just isn't recogized because our job titles aren't printed on some swanky business card. And, no, I have never bought myself a diamond. If ever I treat myself, it's so that I have enough energy to face the responsilibities of the days ahead.

Robert Foo said...

Hi anonymous...

Your comments are appreciated and noted. Pls don't just read this particular title....there are others you might agree with me. Any way, thank you for reading my blog....

Anonymous said...

hello there thanks for your grat post, as usual ((o: