Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Love without intimacy could be sorrowful.

Kld and Ela are my friends. Both are still unmarried. Kld is a 60 years old man, whom I have known since childhood. Ela is a 50 years young lady whom I have known for the past 5 years through Kld. From the previous company, they both worked as colleagues, became good friends and later turned lovers. Kld caught the attention of Ela, when he was helpful and sincere in their close contacts. Kld is truly a man with good heart and integrity. Similarly Ela is loving and a caring lady. Both by fate, never had a chance to fall in love at the earlier lives, until about 5 years ago they have strong feeling for each others.

In fact, from the outside, both of them reflect a lovable couple. Although Kld is a Muslim and Ela is a Catholic, the different of faith is not a hindrance to their relationship. Both their relatives and communities accepted their matching. Coz it was not easy to fall in love at this wise age of them. Both understood the meaning of love. They know love has plenty of patience, tolerance, giving and sharing. I was really happy for both of them, especially for my buddy, Kld.

The saying, 'Don't judge a book by its cover', is a true facts of life. Outwardly Kld & Ela are happy but inwardly they both are silently in sorrow. Kld is a heavy diabetic for more than twenty years. He is suffering from erectile dysfunction, which leads to lost of interest on sex. Ela is a full bloom lady who is hunger for love and sex instead. Just imagine both eligible single who loves each other, when one requests for intimacy and the other is unable to provide. She could be excited to the utmost when her man stared with misery. She cried with frustration when he yielded with sadness. To me I termed it as a silence sorrow which remains always as hidden and unknown.

Love has all the ingredients to create magic for all couples in love. Is sex considered as part of love to make it as the paramount needs for completing the cycle of intimacy? Or is sex just by itself without love? I am still pondering! Even love with patience, tolerance and scarifies cannot prevents the craves for sex. For those who are in love and are truly satisfied in all ways, you should be thankful for not having to go through this silence sorrow of romance.

Can this be true? "Sometimes in life we wear so many masks that it becomes difficult to see your true self."


Anonymous said...

Hi Young Man!
You seemed to have doubts in this statement, "Sometimes in life we wear so many masks that it becomes difficult to see your true self".
According to my oppinion:-
1) True Self refers to the Soul
which is within us.
2) Masks refer to our greed,
desires, hatred & delusions.
3) The moment the true self is
covered by the masks we are
in darkness i.e. we are blur
or confuse, therefore it
becomes difficult to see your
true self.
4) Once the true self is
enlightened i.e. in a pure
state free from the masks,
then you can see your true
self in action.
5) The true self is full of loving-
kindness, righteousness, wisdom,
propriety and faith.
However, I hope you have self-realisation by now.
Be happy & I love you !
From Young Kat

Robert Foo said...

Hi young Kat,
This statement, "Sometimes in life we wear so many masks that it becomes difficult to see your true self" is applicable to our world.

Is only those like what you said have kindness, righteousness, wisdom, propriety and faith are with true self.

You also speak and write with the your true self. Thanks so much on your inspiring comments