Thursday, May 31, 2007
Are we violent, senseless and heartless?
Posted by
Robert Foo
8:16 AM
Labels: knowledge
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Selling and tackling girls are similar in nature.
Posted by
Robert Foo
8:22 AM
Labels: knowledge
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
We chase for new sales but forgotten the old sales.
Posted by
Robert Foo
8:15 AM
Labels: knowledge
Monday, May 28, 2007
Walking down the memory lane
Posted by
Robert Foo
8:38 AM
Labels: wisdom
Sunday, May 27, 2007
An unmarried man could be a problem!
Posted by
Robert Foo
9:42 AM
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Killer's charm of innocent sweet lady.
Posted by
Robert Foo
9:26 AM
Labels: knowledge
Friday, May 25, 2007
Life Insurance is a promise to deliver.
Posted by
Robert Foo
7:46 AM
Labels: knowledge
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Selling is like acting.
Posted by
Robert Foo
6:55 AM
Labels: knowledge
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
The truthful & untruthful worlds.
Posted by
Robert Foo
8:00 AM
Labels: wisdom
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Unethical practice of selling
Posted by
Robert Foo
7:14 AM
Labels: knowledge
Monday, May 21, 2007
Don't sell when you are stressful.
Recently I had a chance to accompany one of my associates to present one of her financial products. Before meeting our prospect, she was telling me about her recent family, personal and career problems. She was under tremendous amount of stress and pressure, but she refused to cancel this important appointment.
When the time for her to explain and to illustrate her plans, she was not calm and her words were jittery. During the presentation, the prospect was asking for some uncertain questions. Instead of offering a logical and confident explanation, she turned arrogance with a rejected tune of voice. For a moment, the prospect was taken aback and that was when I came in to rescue her with my explanation. The prospect was happy with my reply and she continued to close the case quite easily after that.
Perhaps she wasn't even aware she was at wrong because stressfulness could blind one's thought. She was lucky that I was around to observe and to understand the finer point of closing a deal but not all the time she would be this fortunate.
Conclusion; when you are stressful, worry, unhappy or having some kind of problem within yourself, please avoid selling until you have a peace of clearer mind. Never bring your personal problems onto your work, especially meeting an important person. These are true facts of selling.
Posted by
Robert Foo
8:23 AM
Labels: knowledge
Sunday, May 20, 2007
All the wits & fancies of woman.
Posted by
Robert Foo
9:20 AM
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Your eyes can show you are in love!
Posted by
Robert Foo
8:45 AM
Labels: romance
Friday, May 18, 2007
Learn from our past.
Posted by
Robert Foo
8:28 AM
Labels: knowledge
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Man is just toy for woman.
Posted by
Robert Foo
8:30 AM
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Thanks Deen for your comment on attitudes
Deen, thanks again for your sincere comments on my title, "Right Attitude." If only our Malaysian would adopt the right attitude in life, we should be more progressive than our neighbours.
You are totally right, skill could be taught and be developed but not attitude. Perhaps one can cultivate right attitude slowly from others. I can't be quoting of others wrong attitude but right around my circles of work, I could see many who are not working right. I have a very closed associate who at one time took me as a mentor. This person is willing to work and learn from me. I had taught this person almost everything, in term of ideas and selling skill but sad to say this person is still not doing well at all.
This person is intelligent and has personality but lacking in right attitude. Mind isn't positive, swing from time to time. Persistence is extremely weak. Work hard but no integrity. Determination and confidence level are low. Not focus and lousy organising. Non decisive and doesn't believe in products. Slow to learn and weak in common sense. Loyalty is there but not dedicated because complain more than ever. All these attributes to wrong attitude.
The person has the knowledge but wisdom of understanding in life is rather weak. The wrong attitude of the mind, effected the person's success. If only this person could listen, things would definitely be better.
Posted by
Robert Foo
8:54 PM
Labels: knowledge
Star performer always has right attitude.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:11 AM
Labels: knowledge
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Three Golden Rules In Selling
Posted by
Robert Foo
8:53 AM
Labels: knowledge
Monday, May 14, 2007
Be focus on your selling
Posted by
Robert Foo
8:42 AM
Labels: motivation
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Grand mum can't make baby but grand dad can!
Posted by
Robert Foo
7:08 AM
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Older man still needs women
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:00 AM
Friday, May 11, 2007
Premenstrual Syndrome can damage loves
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:07 AM
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Don't lose your wisdom?
Posted by
Robert Foo
6:36 AM
Labels: wisdom
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Apply Love in our selling
Perhaps these young people might not understand that short simple reply. Let me offer a little wisdom to my words here. Basically life insurance is a product of love and the understanding of life itself. The journey of life is related to birth, living, suffering and death. During this living path, we face many obstacles to survive. Non of us can escape this journey. Either you could live with loves or to live with hatreds.
The word love sounds simple enough but is not that simple as we thought. Love has feeling and emotion. Love is beautiful if you know how to use it. Love is giving and sharing. Love has no jealousy. Love has no ill thought. Love always has affection to care and to concern. Love has forgiveness. Love has no greed. Love has no pride. Love can inspire and motivate. Love has the willing desire to move. Love has kindness and humbleness. Love has patience and tolerance. Love depicts peace rather than violence. Love has no envy and not boastful. Love isn't proud or rude. Love has no self seeking. Love will not easily angered. Love keeps no record of wrong. Love doesn't delight in evil but rather rejoices with the truth. Love always hope and always perseveres.
Love never fails. To prove my points, lets look at history to learn and to believe. Buddha was preaching 'simplicity and contentment', today three thousand years later, his great name is still known. Jesus was preaching 'love' two thousand five hundred years ago, today the world still remember him. Prophet Mohammad was preaching 'peace' one thousand four hundred years back, one third of the world today are his followers. Mahatma Ghani was preaching 'non violence'. With his humbleness India got their independence. Mother Theresa's kindness melts the heart of all. All of them were preaching LOVE and they are forever to be remembered.
Posted by
Robert Foo
7:51 AM
Labels: wisdom
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Thank you Deen
Posted by
Robert Foo
9:26 PM
Labels: knowledge
Hidden rules on fame and sex

Posted by
Robert Foo
1:23 AM
Monday, May 07, 2007
Selling is like sex!
Morale of it: " Selling & sex, both need to have the experiences & the magical touch."
Posted by
Robert Foo
6:50 AM
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Purchasing Condoms
A young man goes into a drug store to buy condoms. The pharmacist says the condoms come in packs of 3, 9 or 12 and asks which the young man wants. "Well," he said, "I've been seeing this girl for a while and she's really hot. I want the condoms because I think tonight's "the" night. We're having dinner with her parents, and then we're going out. And I've got a feeling I'm gonna get lucky after that. Once she's had me, she'll want me all the time, so you'd better give me the 12 pack." The young man makes his purchase and leaves. Later that evening, he sits down to dinner with his girlfriend and her parents. He asks if he might give the blessing and they agree. He begins the prayer, but continues praying for several minutes. The girl leans over to him and says, "You never told me that you were such a religious person." The boy leans over to her and whispers, "You never told me that your father is a pharmacist."
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:29 AM
Labels: humour
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Birthday is our sweetest day of the year
I have developed an interest of remembering friends' birthday since 35 years ago. I was lucky to have worked in a trading company, which was the main distributor for 'Hallmark Cards.' Hallmark is the best available greeting cards in the world. Their slogan, "The Card That Cares, When U Want To Sent The Very Best." The American spend millions to create the best design with the most meaningful wording before each card is marketed to the rest of the world. My job was to pick and systemically ordered stocks from The State. I had the opportunity to read and admire the flowering words and meaning of those beautiful cards. Words are powerful. They could create a sense of joy, pride and happiness. If is written negatively, it creates a sense of sorrowfulness and sadness too.
The only card that I love sending is birthday card and not festival or seasonal cards. I believe seasonal cards are too commercialised, which have little meaning to the recipients. All seasonal cards look quite similar with simple words and design. In fact those who received them, read and throw them away later, without even bordering to appreciate the cards. It is a real waste of money!
I designed my cards and had them printed. I picked the right words and meaning. Pink is for the ladies and light yellow is for the gentlemen. Every year, my friends, including children and sometimes grand parents, received different cards from me. My wordings depict their background and personality. I always tried to send cards that had meaning to them. The cards must inspire and encourage them. Like I said, words are powerful.
I was so surprised, I have friends who kept and treasured my cards for years. One lady doctor whom I have known for 25 years, has 25 different birthday cards, all kept in her personal drawer. I had unintentionally created jealousy within husband and wife for receiving my cards, because they had forgotten their birthdays themselves. However, I know they still love to receive cards from me. The best birthday card isn't the one that you buy over the counter or the one you got it printed, but the one written on a piece of plain paper written with our sincere heart.
This was one birthday note, written to one of my friend's daughter many years ago;
My dear Sin Yin,
Happy birthday to you today. Time passes so fast and here I am again. You were telling me last year was a bad one, bcos you didn't do well in your study. Now you are in Std 6. You have to work even more harder for this coming year end exam . Please try and do well. Do you know, your dad & mum always have high hope on you. Dad works very hard as well. He told me, he works for the sake of you. He wants to give you the best education. He wants to fulfill your dreams. They really love you a lot my dear. I know you would do well bcoz you are smart to me.
Signed..Uncle Robert.
I never knew that simple birthday note was so inspiring to this little girl then. Although her family was poor, Sin Yin managed to complete her accountancy degree and working successfully today to support their parents. She still keeps my note and proud to show it to most of her friends. See! Words could inspire.
Most people think that sending birthday cards are just routine work. If you were to send for the sake of sending, you would not do it for long. On the hand, if you did it out of joy and satisfaction, you would do it for life. Sincerity and kindness could be felt. I love sending birthday cards because at least once a year, my heart could reach each and every of my friends. Be they, the young or the old one.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:14 AM
Labels: motivation
Friday, May 04, 2007
Ethics and Attitude for successful selling
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:03 AM
Labels: motivation
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Are you proud to be a salesperson?
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:33 AM
Labels: knowledge
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
American sees Malaysia as Paradise
I met him through his elder daughter who had intention to purchase insurance for his dad. As I was trying to understand him, I was surprised he has no intention what so ever to return home to America. Although he has been staying here for this long, he was not granted a PR status or a Malaysian citizenship. In fact, he had not returned home for the past seventeen years. Currently he still holds a social immigration passport, which needs him to leave the country every three months. For his convenient, he crosses over to Singapore and re-enter to Malaysia again. He has a simple American Restaurant plus playing Rock music in Malacca.
What really impressed me was, he never complained any inconvenient staying in Malaysia. He loves our country, our environment, our people of the various races and cultures, our great varieties of food, our green landscape and our friendly nation. He could speak some Hokkien and Bahasa was marvellous. He behaves just like a true Malaysian.
Comparing him to many of us who complained and criticised, I felt so shameful of myself. Many young Malaysians who always have these remarks; There are discrimination, opportunities are scarce, education system is rather weak, inefficiency of our country bureaucracy and more.
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:29 AM
Labels: wisdom
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Thai Massage
Posted by
Robert Foo
12:16 AM
Labels: knowledge